Thursday, February 13

Online Payments Are Supposed to Be Easy and Here Are 6 Ways In Which You Can Do That!


Remember why the world shifted to online payments? That’s right! We wanted some convenient, accessible, and super quick.

So, when you are giving your customers a portal for making payments online, you need to be sure that it is as helpful as it gets. Here are a few points you can keep in mind to maximize positive feedback.

1.Be Flexible

Imagine adding so much to cart just to find out that the seller does not accept credit card payment, or typically an exchange from the card you own.  One of the best gateway is Securitas epay & myambulancepayments.

Customers love having options to choose from. Therefore, you need to provide them with as many as possible. A good combination of credit card payment from different banks or online payment via a mobile app is sure to win the hearts of many.

2.Don’t Get Too Personal

Not many customers have time or interest in creating an account or signing in before they could clear their bills.

If they are willing to pay, just take it! Asking for an account, personal information, or requiring a long form before payments seem too intrusive especially for the users who are opting for your services for the first time.

3.Keep Them on Your Page till The Last Moment

They have to buy from you then why should they be paying somebody else? This is often the drawback sites with Paypal payment method face. The checkout page is outside of the scope of the website and therefore takes the visitors away from the main business’s page. Red Flag!

4.Ask What’s Important, Leave the Rest

Unless you want the buyers to run away, intimidated by the amount of information you are seeking in order for them to pay, DON’T put up lengthy forms at the checkout.

Almost 11% of the customers in the US have confessed that they leave the purchase when the website asks them to fill useless fields prior to payment.

5.Reinforce the Safety of Your Platform 

They are probably buying because they trust you, but it is important to remind the customers that they are in safe hands. At any point where you seek personal information, mention clearly the privacy and security terms of your site.

An SSL certificate can also do wonders in this regard. It proves that your business hosts a secure connection. Furthermore, keeping in view the protocols set by the PCI Security Standards Council is important as well as making sure that your visitors get to see all these security credentials for developing trust.

6.Minimize Advertisements Especially at The Check-Out Page

In terms of attention, we have lost as a generation thanks to the habit of multitasking and jumping from one activity to another.

However, the last thing you want is your customer (who was just about to pay you!) to jump to another page. Therefore, it is important to steer clear of ads and distractions, especially on the last page.

We hope these tips are useful in fixing the problem if you were worried about too many people leaving stuff on the cart without clearing the bill. We wish to hear about your happy sales, Good Luck!